New Horizons 
We have started a new project a couple of days ago. We got the domain we wanted, and parked it on a server so far.
The idea is to create a website that provides web hosting for average Joe the plumber, not for Mike the PHP the programmer.
No buzz words, no coding, no confusion. We're doing it for real, for a flat fee of $5/mo with unlimited traffic.
Check out the official website: - Powerd by our happy penguins of course.

More to come!

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Datacenter Relocation and Downtime 
As you already know we have relocated our datacenter. We now have tier1 Internet connectivity and more space.
All that came at a cost of downtime. We went offline roughly Friday afternoon and did not come back up until really fully functional today (Tuesday).

Some of the problems were not just related with relocating the servers. That only took a few hours.
The main issue was our main core router that did not like the new settings and gave us problems.
The server SSL certificates have also been replaced with fresh ones corresponding to the new IP subnet we have been allocated.

Last but not least, the current issue, an UPS unit.

The last issue at this hour we need to address is replacing the UPS unit on our border router which is dieing and keeps going offline, thus throwing the router offline with it.
That happens randomly but it will get addressed today.

Please check back here often for updates.

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