Core router #1 faild on Tuesday 
Oh no! Core router #1 is humming, no lights, dead. After swearing up and down the datacenter we realized we should do something about it. Duhhh!

Our second core router took over the load but not after we realized it was not redundant. We had to move an entire segment over (physically move it) and reattach it to our Cisco L3 swith and back to our #2 core router. Our #2 right now happily runs no less than 4 segments connecting us to two upstream providers.

Traffic is pretty, preeetty good and stable right now.
On Saturday Oct 20th however we're scheduling a downtime between 10AM and 12PM, maybe longer. It all depends on, and is directly impacted by the number of unforeseeable obstacles that arise as we proceed into the unknown. WOW...where did that come from? Yayks!
The entire network will be down for about +/- 2 hours. We're going to re-vamp our router setup and implement the fail-over feature.

We're letting you know so that this is not catching anybody by surprise.

Your Happy Hosting and always creative team @ Etonic Networks

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