
As of yesterday, the new Cisco switch that was ordered came in, but it was the wrong type. We are working with the vendor to arrange for a quick exchange for the right unit.
This will delay the scheduled down time window by probably a couple of days. As of now, scratch the old note.
Check back here for updates as new info arises.
Some of you may have noticed that connectivity with us has been intermittent at times. For roughly 30-60 seconds once every few hours all connectivity drops.

No, we're not under DoS or anything of that sort. We're suffering hardware problems and we're working on it.
Because the problem is so random and so intermittent, it makes it harder to troubleshoot.
We believe at this time we have the problem isolated, and we're scheduling a downtime window of about 30 minutes to replace the faulty hardware.
Set your calendar for Friday April 8th, 2016 at 7:30PM to last until approximately 8:00PM.
Check back here for updates on this matter.
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