Login from the web, pop3 and smtp to this mache have been currently disabled. Your e-mail is being queued to out MX server. No e-mails should be lost due to this.
We're working on this matter. Please check back here for updates.
As of 4:00PM the mail server is back online.
The issue has been resolved. All e-mail should be back to functional state. If you're still experiencing problems, please don't hesitate to contact support.
Some of you may have noticed extra spam into your mailbox in the last 24 hours. You know we hate spam and we do everything we can to stop it.
This was due to the server problem and not being able to filter out the junk, it ended up in your inbox. Please simply delete it and as alwasy, keep an eye on your spam box as it may contain some false-positives.
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Today we have another scheduled downtime. This is due to a core switch upgrade. The Cisco Catalyst Engine is being upgraded to a newer, faster, more versatile version.
That doesn't only improve the quality of service, but it becomes more flexible to future upgrades.

Scheduled window should be roughly 1 hour, maybe less.
Time frame: 7PM-8PM EST.
The upgrade went well but we encountered some rather expected issues. We were happy to finally get things rolling aroung 9:45PM. The switch is up and running, and all services are humming along.
Any questions, issues, etc...just contact support.
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