We decided to self-sign our own certificates, therefore not all Internet Browsers understand them correctly.
We always suggest you use Firefox to access our websites for better performance, and security.
If you are up to date and run Firefox Version 3 or better, we have a solution for you.
Every time we change our SSL certificate you will be prompted to accept the new security certificate; and we know it's annoying.
You can prevent that from ever happening by simply installing this Firefox Plugin and it'll take care of all the issues from now on.
Get it here.

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Primary e-mail server went down around 6PM. We're currently spooling all incoming mail on our MX server until we figure out what's going on.
We're currently working on this problem, thus resolution is not in sight yet.
Check back here for details as we make progress. We always keep you posted.

As of 3AM - Sat, 25th we have determined that /var partition has been corrupted and we are replacing the hard drives as I am typing this update.
Image and restore should take another 30-35 minutes...
4:20AM - Server back online, all systems are go.
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