If you've been using our services for as long as some of you have, you would have noticed how we decided to only allow Firefox to connect to Data Vault.
That is about to change since lately Firefox is just bad news all around. Issues, crashes, incompatible plugins, etc...are just the beginning.
As of today we decided to allow Google Chrome as our primary browser of choice and go in parallel with Firefox for a while.
Let us know how you feel about it!
As always, leave comments.
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RPC and NFS file locking problems seem to have been the cause of unavailable mailboxes and errors while using webmail.
Problems have been restored to normal.
Enjoy the ride!
We are currently performing some maintenance on filer2. This should not take more than 30-45 minutes depending on how things go.
Meanwhile web and email services are being stopped. And as always your inbound mail will be queued and available to you with a slight delay.

Any problems, questions, concerns, please post your wrath on this thread.

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