Now, after some investigation is turns out that those of you who complained, have WAY to many messages in your inbox.
If you'd like a very fast experience using webmail, do yourself a favor and move messages to another folder. There are some users who have more than 3000 messages in their inbox alone. Understand that after you login, the server (besides serving other customers) has to parse all 3000 messages and render them in order for you to read. The more messages you have, the longer it will take to render. Anything above 500 messages would be considered "too many" in most cases.
Also, on another note. We're working very hard to fight spam, therefore we ask that every user do not delete your spam messages. Any message that you consider spam, just simply move it to your spam folder and leave it there. Deleting spam messages prevents our system from learning and getting smarter about preventing future spam.

If you need help on how to move your messages, contact support for assistance.
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Etonic Networks is turning 13 years old today.

As our 13th Birthday came up, our main SSL certificate expired, so if you get a warning, don't panic. We're working on getting it replaced asap.
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