For starters, this opens up the gates of hell when it comes to law suits. Anything that is being hosted, data passing through, in transit or at rest, you can he sued if some random lawyer believes so. Is this now opening the gates of hell to also kill encryption? You bet it does! Read on...

For starters, here's the law:
Earn-it-Act goes against Section 230 as far as I can tell and it is trying to eliminate or replace it.
What that means is that now, if it passes, all service providers will have to police everything anyone posts on their websites, or risk being sued. This will basically shut down half the Internet.
I'd like to see giants like Facebook and Twitter handle it properly.
What I really think is happening here, is the fact that freedom of speech is being hindered independently by Facebook, Twitter and others based on what they believe should be censored.
This bill will pretty much level the playing field. The reason Pres. Trump is up in arm about when his tweets get flagged for being "inappropriate", yet others are allowed - makes for an unfair system.
I would hate to have to be responsible for what others posts on our platforms. I am sure other providers feel the same, but on the same token, what happened to freedom of speech? Either we censor everyone or no.
Steve Gibson explains a bit more about this here:
(See the pdf transcript)
For hosting geeks like us, we do what we do out of passion. We just love what we do. If we had to police our hosting platform and remove any and all offending content, for 1 we would be out of business, and 2 we would be destroying our customer's freedom of speech.
So let's hope this won't break the Internet as we know it, folks!
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